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Turbine MRO

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Turbine MRO

Top-Well has held a contract for AHDEB Oil in Iraq for the operation and maintenance of gas turbine power stations in Iraq since 2011.


Operation and Maintenance services of gas turbine generator power station


Top-Well has held a contract for AHDEB Oil in Iraq for the operation and maintenance of gas turbine power stations in Iraq since 2011.

The team consists of 10 experienced engineers who have expertise in gas turbine generators from various manufacturers such as Solar Turbines, GE turbines, etc.


  • Room 503, Tower C, Ruipu Mansion, Hongjunying South Road,
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China.
  • Phone:010-64820099/77
  • Fax:010-64820669
  • Email:top-well@top-well.com

Top-Well Petroleum Technology Co Ltd

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